General information
Materials for class:
Two pocket folder for homework during remote and in-school learning.
A basic 5 function calculator.
1.5 inch binder with filler paper to be used for warmup activities, class work, and class notes.
Pencils for work, pens for correcting.
Materials needed for class
Tests are 50% of each quarter grade.
• Tests will be announced in advance and a study guide supplied.
• Students will be given the opportunity to complete a correction for any poor test grade to a earn up to a maximum of a 70% except for the mid-year and final. ​
Homework: Counts for 20% of each quarter.
Homework will be assigned about 3 to 4 times a week and is graded by effort put forth not by numbers correct.
• Two late Homework assignments a quarter can be made up for full credit if complete 1 week from assigned date. All other late homework will receive 50% credit if complete within 1 week of the date assigned.
• Each problem must show original problem, supporting work, and an answer.
Homework will normally be graded as follows:
4 points - 100% completed
3 points - At least 75% completed
2 points - At least 50% completed
0 points - less than 50% completed or homework guidelines not followed.
Quizzes are worth 30% of each quarter grade.
* Given regularly to assess current understanding of classroom studies.
* Students are expected to make-up missed Quiz on the day the student returns
* Quiz grades cannot be retaken to earn higher grades but a correction can be completed per below procedure.
Test/Quiz corrections
A student can earn points on the Test or Quiz by having the following complete.
Complete a solution that is now correct showing all appropriate work for each original missed problem.
Paper must be neat, readable, clearly labeled and stapled to the front of the original test/quiz.
Contact info:
Rm: C305